
AviationReady - regulation


Regulation Management

Management of all national and international Civil Aviation Regulations, issued by Civil Aviation Organisations, Regional and National Authorities. Its major features are the association between different regulations, version control, creation and management of dynamic checklists – based on detailed regulatory requirements. It allows for references to additional related information (such as AMC and GM in the case of EASA Regulations) and is fully compatible with other modules of the AviationReady solution.

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AviationReady - planning


Activity Planning

Facilitates planning of all types of activities, with full control of individual and process related tasks. Integration with the Process & Procedure module adds value to the management of associated tasks, and integration with Risk module allows for risk-based planning. All activities can have several types of alerts that can be set manually or automatically by the system, based on its configuration.

Learn more about the Planning module
AviationReady - process_procedure

Process & Procedure

Quality Assurance

Management of internal processes, procedures and responsibilities, to achieve continuous improvement. This module enables a complete definition of each process and its procedures, allowing also version control. It includes statistics and alerts as well as the calculation of estimated time for process completion.

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Risk Management

Detailed recording of risk assessment, including the origin of risk, the probability of occurrence, estimated impact, balanced weight, and its state. Allows for definition and monitoring of mitigation plans for all identified risks individually. Ensures the preparation and monitoring of the risk matrix for all supervisory actions.

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AviationReady - audit


Audit Management

Oversight, with the inclusion of regulatory and support checklists, control of all types of findings with alerts for all related deadlines. Correction and assessment report summary registration, among dozens of other visually appealing functionalities for superior information perception. Several types of alerts are possible and statistical data is attractively presented in eye-catching dashboards. This module benefits from integration with Planning, Process & Procedures and Regulation modules.

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AviationReady - certificate


Certificate Issuance

Management of all types of certificates required in Civil Aviation (Air Operator Certificate for commercial purposes, Special Operation Authorizations, EASA Part-145, EASA Part-147, EASA Part-M Subpart G (CAMO), EASA Part-M Subpart F and Service Provider’s Certificates to name the most relevant.

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AviationReady - license


License Issuance

Issuance, renewal and revalidation of licenses for aeronautical personnel – students, pilots, air traffic controllers, cabin crew, flight operations officers, aircraft maintenance engineers/technicians and examiners, all based on the prevailing regulations. It incorporates a due date alerts system and validates against other required certifications (such as Medical Certificates) and required training.

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AviationReady - aeromedical


Aviation Medicine and Medical Certification

Issuance of medical certification and monitoring of its process, seamless communication between applicants, aeromedical centres (AeMC and AME) and NAA’s, management of the entire documentation process based on EASA regulation, in particular forms 160, 161, 162, 163 and registration of clinical data and medical reports.

Learn more about the AeroMedical module
AviationReady - exam


Aeronautical Exams

Management of exams for all types of aviation personnel (Pilots, ATC, Flight Operations Officer – to name a few), allowing for any type of question banks (such as ECQB-EASA, FAA or other) and their annexes, which can be imported to the system, with advanced control of administrative functions – planning, registration, scheduling and financial management, exam generation both in paper and/or digital format, exam implementation and monitoring, statistical reports, publication of results and supervision of candidates’ licensing process.

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AviationReady - aerolanguage


Aeronautical English Test

Management platform that allows the execution and supervision of aeronautical English tests in accordance with ICAO standards. It allows management of administrative flow (registration, scheduling and payment), execution (with modern and appealing interfaces) and final rating (based on ICAO recommendations). This module includes a dedicated test database that is in continuous evolution.

Learn more about the AeroLanguage module
AviationReady - training


Training Management

Integrated training management platform, built to optimize the configuration, planning, execution and monitoring of the training process. It can be used by Civil Aviation Authorities as well as by Training Organizations.

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AviationReady - aerodrome


Aerodrome Management

Ensures the detailed record and management of aerodromes such as national and international airports, airfields, helipads and lightplane landing strips, showing their parking gates and hangars. Additionally, there is also information about the structure and details related to runways and navigational support equipment.

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AviationReady - aircraft


Aircraft and Components Management

A full flow of an aircraft life cycle, from its initial registration to the certification. Its features include keeping records of the owners and any related mortgages, all the required inspections, aircraft detailed information including relevant overhaul data, its associated components, to the final issuing of the associated licenses and certifications.

Learn more about the Aircraft module
AviationReady - fstd

FSTD(Flight Simulation Training Device)

Simulator Management

Management of all the information related to FFS’s (Full Flight Simulators), namely the related aircraft and models that can be simulated. It allows the introduction of training data records, with all associated verification tests for each simulated model, registration of QTG’s (Qualification Test Guides) and full management of the respective the evaluation cycle, with automatic and recurring planning and risk management.

Learn more about the FSTD module
AviationReady - uas

UAS(Unmanned Aircraft System)

Unmanned Aircraft System Management

Records all technical and functional details of an UAS. Each equipment can be registered, along with the owner’s data, the authorised operators’ identification, all technical details and related documentation. Registration renewal and transfer of ownership are available. It includes the possibility of managing applicable fees and code violation for supervision purposes and can provide all relevant information to the authorised entities.

Learn more about the UAS module