About AviationReady

The solution AviationReady

This solution is aligned with the requirements of ICAO, EASA, FAA, among other international aviation agencies, especially dedicated to the National Aviation Authorities (NAA), Aero Medical Centers and to all training, maintenance and services organisations that work under their scrutiny.

AviationReady was built from the ground up, to facilitate the management of the various activities of the aviation sector, with special emphasis on:

  • Management of quality and safety systems
  • Control of audits and inspections
  • Monitoring of processes, procedures and related activities (tasks)
  • Contextual association of any relevant regulation
  • Scheduling and execution of theoretical and language proficiency tests
  • Issuing of licenses, medical and other certificates
  • Aircraft life cycle and data management
  • Aerodrome and related navigational equipment registration


Secure user authentication is made available at a common entry point, with the possibility of logging in through external services like Active Directory, Google, Facebook and Autenticação.gov (the Portuguese Citizen Card interface).


The xReady framework allows for native communication between all the modules, with reading and writing access to the shared databases depending on security level configurations. Additional modules can easily be developed and deployed by using the standard methods available in our framework.

Mobile Ready

Any xReady module can be accessed through mobile devices like smartphones or tablets as user interfaces adapt to different screen resolutions by providing the most valuable information in the available viewport. Furthermore, native apps for specific use cases exist (Invoice, Audit, and others being developed…) so that users can perform the necessary tasks with ease and without location restrictions.


Access to information is dependent on security clearances that can be set by user profile, including specific configuration of which modules, functionalities or even input fields can be shown or edited. Data is sent using the AES cryptographic algorithm as well as a combination of private and public RSA keys.