The management solution for Civil Aviation

AviationReady is a flexible, modular and integrated solution for Oversight, Risk and Compliance Management

The continuous release of new Regulations as well as their constant updates to ensure the safety and security, challenges the need for new methodologies in order to reduce the associated procedural and administrative burden and to add value the highly qualified personnel involved in the supervisory processes.

AviationReady is a 360º solution for National Aviation Authorities and Regulating Agencies that is in line with the requirements of ICAO, EASA, FAA, among other international aviation agencies, to help manage risk, compliance and oversight / supervision responsabilities as well as control their SSP; it is also crucial for Training, Maintenance and Service Organizations to help them build and maintain their SMS (Safety Management System) to the required level of standard and compliance.

This is where SoftReady, with its specific solution (AviationReady) developed for Aviation Authorities and Regulating Agencies plays a very import role in simplifying the management of their core activities, namely:

  • Quality and Safety Management system
  • Risk and Performance based Audit and Inspection control
  • Process and Procedure monitoring
  • Regulation control
  • Scheduling and execution of Exams (theoretical and language proficiency)
  • Issuing Licenses and Certifications (Medical and various other fields) and
  • Registration of Aircraft, Airport and Navigation infrastructure.
The management solution for civil aviation


The regulations issued by the international organizations that supervise the Civil Aviation sector are fundamental to guarantee the necessary safety and security required for this sector.

It is the main source for assessing the compliance of all stakeholders in the civil aviation sector, namely people, organizations, aircraft and infrastructures.

This solution facilitates the control and management of EASA, FAA, E.U, National Decrees and other regulations as well as ICAO Recommendations (SARPs).





Compliance is the result of a verification process which demonstrates the fulfilment of the applicable specific requirements.

The essential purpose of audits, inspections and other types of assessments is to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the relevant legislation.

This solution, facilitates the creation, management and control of dynamically generated check-lists directly from the available regulation and legislation as well as allowing the setup of other types of check-lists required for a thorough assessment of compliance for Safety Management purposes. 



Security in Civil Aviation aims at the protection of people and goods, in a consistent and evolutionary way.

It acts both at the prevention level of possible risk situations as well as potential safety threats.

It is an activity of enormous complexity, demanding from everyone involved strict compliance with the all legal requirements, the application of major recommendations and respect for the best practices in Civil Aviation security.




Aviation safety refers to the efforts made to ensure the absence of factors that could cause injury to persons or losses in organizations.

The compliance required by supervisory authorities (national authorities), under national and international regulations, ensures that aviation is the safest means of transport today.

With AviationReady, all safety related tasks are made easier.


The main management aspects for civil aviation

The AviationReady solution is based on the following fundamental aspects: